April 2021

Hello Woodley

By Germaine Andino-Rexach, President

The past 12 months have been hectic and stressful, to say the least. I am hoping that the Board and residents can use this place to create a space for dialogue and community. We will see how much news we get every month and send this out to keep everyone informed of building-wide news. If you have any news you'd like to get featured here, please use the Comment/Question box: https://forms.gle/FNr9T2ZVpceWxsh38 to let us know, and we can try to include it in future newsletters.

Security Improvements

Sadly since the start of the pandemic, we have seen a rise in crime across the city. The board has taken several steps over the past two years to improve security here at the Woodley. Using security footage, we were able to determine how package thieves had entered the building and have taken steps to prevent further break-ins. We also invested in upgrading our locks to better secure and improve access to the basement storage lockers. In addition, we filled gaps in our camera coverage. These improvements were made after our January 2020 security town hall.

Heat to AC Switch Over

To better align with DC Guidelines, Heat will be available as a default from October 1st to May 1st. After surveying the community, we decided to switch to AC a few days early this year, given the forecasted weather. It is recommended that you check your air filters and service your air units for peak performance and long life twice a year. The use of pan tablets is highly recommended to prevent buildup that can cause drain pan overflows.

03 Riser Repair Update

Community Systems has informed us that the emergency repairs of the 03 HVAC Pipes(risers) are complete. As was discussed in the 2019 annual meeting, our building risers will need to be replaced, having exceeded their useful lifespan. Risers (HVAC) pipes carry hot and cold water to your unit's convectors, which in turn heat or cool your unit. The risers in our building are now over 75 years old and require replacement. Community Systems are bidding out contracts for the replacement of all risers building-wide.

NEXT Board Meeting

The board will meet to discuss the budget ahead of an annual meeting. We will also set the date for the annual meeting. and discuss imminent building repairs, specifically the HVAC (risers) that are due to replacement.


Comment/Question Box

I've gotten some great suggestions on how to improve our building's quality of life. I encourage you all to use the Comment/Question link to continue providing feedback. Some examples of great ideas have included Brightening up the basement halls with wall art or murals Getting new wall-mounted bike racks to clear up floor space in the bike room for other uses, Post-Covid building monthly happy hours, The creation of a quick guide for residents artists in resident [assistant]

Resident Assistant Committee

An advisory committee has been established to review the role of the Resident Assistant and make recommendations on meeting the needs of the building. The committee will assess the needs of the building and determine what the role should look like going forwards or if any appropriate alternatives exist. The committee members are Jon Rudick (Chair), Jeanne Fitzpatrick, Matthew Lesko, Miguel A. Martinez, Adam Molyneux-Berry*, Miyun Park, Jamie Vernaelde

Annual Meeting

A date for the Annual Meeting will be announced after the May 5th Board meeting. Please be ready to vote via proxy as we are more than likely holding the Annual meeting via Zoom due to the ongoing order from the Mayor's office limiting gatherings. Specific instructions will be sent via email to all owners so please be on the lookout. We need to have a majority of owners submit proxies to establish a quorum. If you would like to put your name in for consideration either let us know via the Comment/Question Box:https://forms.gle/FNr9T2ZVpceWxsh38 or emailing John Debur at john@communitysystemsinc.com. We recommend doing so as early as possible.

On the Horizon

May 5, 6:00 PM Board Meeting- Budget June Annual Meeting TBD HVAC Riser Repairs The outcome of the Resident Assistant Committee Online Resident Handbook

New Location for Community Library

In order to provide a secure location for Package deliveries from UPS, we have moved the community library to the hallway next to the Cable Boxes near the Mintwood Pl. door.

UPS Packages will now be on shelf in Laundry Room

In order to provide a secure location for Package deliveries from UPS, we have moved the community library to the hallway next to the Cable Boxes near the Mintwood Pl. door