January 2022

Hello Woodley

By Germaine Andino-Rexach, President

Happy New Year! 2020 er 2021 was a long year! The board is moving into the second half of our agenda for this cycle. We aim to listen to our neighbors and engage in a type of shared governance that leverages our collective experiences, wisdom, and vision. The last two years had seen healthy participation in workshopping solutions, and we look forward towards building on that further.

Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee (AC) will be meeting on January 20th at 7:00PM in the lobby. The AC will brainstorm some ideas for the lobby and other common areas. Recommendations will be presented to the board ahead of our budget meeting. The committee is led by Board members Jamie Vernaelde (Chair) and Jon Rudick (Co-Chair). If you would like to participate, don't hesitate to get in touch with the committee chair!

HVAC Riser Replacement

Work on all odd side tiers has been finished. Replacement of even side risers will begin in the spring. Community Systems Inc and the contractors will communicate the schedule closer to the start of the project. We expect this to begin in April or May. The Odd side riser repair took about 8 weeks To complete. Each tier takes about two weeks.

Please follow up with Community Systems, Inc., if you have any questions or concerns about the project or how to prepare your apartment for the work.

Resident Handbook

We have finalized creating a digital copy of our Woodley resident handbook. We hope this easy-to-access digital handbook makes it easier for residents to be aware of some protocols, rules, and expectations here at the Woodley. As information is updated, those changes will be reflected in the handbook. Please access the handbook using the link below: https://bit.ly/3DO7UUi


if you are unable to participate in the Advisory Committee, you can still make proposals or recommendations to the advisory committee chair or co-chair. community survey link: https://bit.ly/3FP5J4K

We invite everyone to make suggestions via the Community Survey (SEE PAGE 3) or comment/question box (SEE LAST PAGE).

Other ideas have been approved and are nearing the next stage, such as a new package closet and expanding the cubbies under the USPS mailbox. Look out for further updates as those projects get underway!