August 2022
'The Woodley' by Germaine Andino-Rexach
Hello Woodley
Germaine Andino-Rexach
The Woodley is starting to look and feel different. Thanks to the efforts of our neighbors, the Board, and our partners at Community Systems, we have continued to make our common spaces more comfortable, functional, and safe.
You may have noticed the new lobby, which has transformed the vibe. The refresh for the lobby was born out of our Advisor Committee, which provides owners a space to constructively explore projects or improvements they want to make a reality. The Advisory Committee is part of a shared governance approach that allows more stakeholders' input on how we run our building directly. It allows for ideas to be matured and brought before the board in a way that can be acted on. So far, the model has shown to be a great success, and we will continue relying on it for other projects in the future.
Advisory Committee Updates
The Committee finished its Lobby refresh project this summer, and we hope everyone is enjoying the new space. The lobby now has new furniture, mirrors, plants, an upgraded message board, and newly expanded cubbies under the mailboxes.
The group is currently working on the Bike Room and renovating APT 100 in the basement. Apt 100 is by the Mintwood entrance and formerly served as the residence of a live-in resident assistant. Once renovated, APT 100 will become a rental unit to generate revenue for the association.
The committee is led by Board members Jamie Vernaelde (Chair) and Jon Rudick (Co-Chair). If you would like to participate, don't hesitate to contact the committee chair!
Switch To Heat
The building will be switched over to heat in October. Community Systems will monitor Temperatures and send out a notice beore any switch actually happens.
Heating & Cooling
The Board and Community Systems will continue monitoring our systems' performance. Community Systems will explore new service contracts with other vendors that can better match our needs and offer improved preventative maintenance. The Board will begin the process of future-proofing the Woodley so that the HVAC system can be upgraded when it comes up for replacement.
NEW LockBox Rail
Due to the number of lock boxes on the window bars by the front door, a lockbox holder bar has been installed at the back door. The new holder is by the recycling bins in full view of the back-door camera. All lock boxes must be moved to the lockbox bar at the back of the building by September 15, 2022. Any lockbox still on the front window bars will be removed after September 15th.
Resident Handbook
Everything you need to know about living at the Woodley is in our handy Resident Handbook. Please provide the link to your tenants. The document is updated when information becomes outdated.
Shared Spaces
The Bike Room is not to be used as a personal workshop or storage facility. Personal items must not be stored in the building hallways, bike room, or storage room aisle. Property left in common areas will be treated like abandoned property and disposed of. Please note that unit owners may be subject to fines for doing so.
Example of a tenant abusing the commons
Bike Room Clean Out
The basement bike room will have new wall-mounted racks installed. We ask that residents who no longer wish to store bikes remove and donate or dispose of unwanted bikes. A notice will go around when we transition to the new rack system, as we must remove and dispose of the current racks.
Coming Soon
To enhance the security and functionality of the space, a dedicated bike room will be Walled off and Secured.
Meeting Summaries
Annual Meeting
Jon Rudick was Reelected to the Board for another term
An Engineering and Reserve study will be scheduled to help us plan and budget for future upgrades and maintenance of our buildings systems
Inflation is increasing our operating cost, which has in turn, led to a needed increase in our condo dues
The Advisory Committee group working on the Lobby refresh presented their final update on the project. A project that was made possible in large part by the Pro bono design work provided by Christi Chandler.
August Meeting
The Board selected its officers for the 2022-2023 Board year (See the last page for a list of officers) and set their meeting schedule. The Board will meet every month on the first Tuesday at 6:30 PM. See Pg.6 for the entire meeting schedule. The Board reviewed recent security incidents from 7-20-22 and listened to the community's concerns. The Board has assisted in the law enforcement investigation by providing footage and access logs related to the incident. Detectives from MPD implored any victims to step forward and file reports. The Advisor Committee was tasked with finalizing designs for the Bike Room and APT 100 projects. A preliminary bid from Wabash was put forth and will be considered by the board, and any others received. The new bike room's design parameters are vertical bike racks and second gate access. APT 100 will be renovated and rented to generate revenue for the association.
Meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM utilizing Zoom. Meetings will be 45 minutes and are open to owners. The first meeting of the 2022-2023 operating year was held on August 2nd. We will assess in December if we need to modify the meed 2023 meeting dates.
Meetings are open to owners; however, the board must conduct its business and will take questions electronically before scheduled meeting times or, time permitting, at the end of a meeting. To submit your questions/concerns before a meeting, use our contact form,
August 2, 2022
September 6, 2022
October 4, 2022
November 1, 2022
December 6, 2022
January 3, 2023
February 7, 2023
March 7, 2023
April 4, 2023 ( 2023-2024, Budget Meeting)
May 2, 2023
June 6, 2023 (Tentative Annual Meeting Date)
July 4th (No meeting)
August 1 ( Tentative Meeting Date)
*Meeting dates are subject to change