October 2021
Performance by Adam Molyneux-Berry ,Porch Fest 2021
Hello Woodley
By Germaine Andino-Rexach, President
Since April of this year, our building has continued to make its way through a global pandemic, with some leaky pipes and an outpouring of resident-led community building. As fall progresses, we will monitor the temperature and switch to heat. As the leaves change, so should your air filters. We will also begin work on our riser pipe replacement project. Please review the Community Systems, Inc. memo that was emailed and posted with project details
New Advisory Committee
The Resident Assistant and the Beautification Committees have been consolidated and renamed the Advisory Committee (AC). The AC will assess the needs of the building and draft recommendations for the board. Representation on the AC is open to owners. The group will also seek feedback from tenants when evaluating building concerns and updates. At the moment, the committee is led by Board members Jamie Vernaelde (Chair) and Jon Rudick (Co-Chair). If you would like to participate, don't hesitate to get in touch with the committee chair!
HVAC Riser Replacement
The building risers installed 75+ years ago are in need of replacement. Earlier in the year, the 03 tier had an emergency replacement of their risers. The Board sought vendors to replace the remaining risers in each tier and has approved contracts to begin work. Community Systems, Inc., sent a memo via email and posted memos to our public spaces detailing the scope of the project.
"Risers carry hot or cold water to your apartment's Convector unit. Air is blown over the pipes to either heat or cool your apartment."
Please follow up with Community Systems, Inc., if you have any questions about the project or how to prepare your apartment for the work.
Community Survey
We would like to hear from you! To improve aspects of the Woodley and address any owner and tenant concerns, please take 5-10 minutes to fill out this confidential survey. Survey results will be reviewed by the new Advisory Committee and consolidated for the Board. We will be using your input to make decisions about common spaces, like the bike room, and planning for 2022 building-wide updates. Please use the link below. Thank you! link: https://bit.ly/3FP5J4K
Mask Mandate
Please make sure to continue complying with Mayor Bowser's mask rules, available at https://coronavirus.dc.gov. These rules remain in effect until the Mayor rescinds or updates them.
"Masking rules: Everyone (including fully vaccinated people) must wear masks... in indoor public settings... (including but not limited to:...common areas of apartment or condominium complexes)."
Remind your visitors or anyone coming to your unit to mask up!
Resident Handbook
We have finalized creating a digital copy of our Woodley resident handbook. We hope this easy-to-access digital handbook makes it easier for residents to be aware of some protocols, rules, and expectations here at the Woodley. As information is updated those changes will be reflected in the handbook. Please access the handbook using the link below: https://bit.ly/3DO7UUi
Lockout Policy
The board will discuss the current lockout policy and, if needed, update the policy at the next board meeting; the date is to be determined.
In addition to the riser replacement project, the board is considering installing a vertical bike rack system to free up floor space in the “bike/party room”. We are also looking at installing a rail system to consolidate lock boxes in one place around the back of the building.
We invite everyone to make suggestions via the Community Survey (SEE PAGE 3) or comment/question box (SEE LAST PAGE).
Other ideas have been approved and are nearing the next stage, such as a new package closet and expanding the cubbies under the USPS mailbox. Look out for further updates as those projects get underway!